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Staff Profile

NAME: Bernard-Awe Folakemi Elizabeth
DEPARTMENT: Microbiology
DESIGNATION: Graduate Assistant
SPECIALIZATION: Food and Industrial Microbiology
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Bernard-Awe Folakemi Elizabeth is a promising graduate assistant specializing in Food and Industrial Microbiology, eager to make a successful career. Within the academic realm, I am dedicated to furthering research at the interface of microbiology and the food industry. My enthusiasm for this field drives me to apply my foundational knowledge to advance food safety protocols. As a budding academic, I aspire to make impactful contributions, with a keen focus on research, teaching, and continuous learning. Beyond my academic endeavors,I find joy in reading, sharing knowledge through teaching, and delving into research, paving the way for a bright and fulfilling career in microbiology. I also engage in volunteering activities to cultivate a sense of community and social responsibility, this help me to enrich my life and also reinforce my commitment to academic and professional growth.
University of Medical Sciences

Laje Road, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria. PMB 536. E-mail:
Tel: +234-706-957-3618, +234-905-826-3636, +234-811-295-7770,