Ibirongbe Demilade Olusola
A new day! A new beginning of dreams becoming a reality! If this is the visionary impression and belief your admission into the University of Medical Sciences (UNIMED), Ondo City created on your mind, you are indeed right and in the right place to see your dream nurtured into reality.
The Department of Community Medicine is one of the foundation departments in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences established at the inception of the University in 2015. Our Department provides the window of opportunity for the university to have her presence felt in the community; to teach disciplinary public health and community medicine. As the only Specialized Medical Univesity in the nation, UNIMED is uniquely positioned to deliver community-based health care in the fullest ways never attained before by any of the traditional medical schools in Nigeria.
The goal of the Department of Community Medicine is to produce competent physicians and help discover and develop the potentials of all our students for leadership and management. The combination of a great team of iconic, seasoned and resourceful teaching staff; a comprehensive and transformative medical curriculum; a standard public health laboratory; and the strategically sited clinical demonstration centers covering rural, suburban and urban areas, are some of the resources and facilities at UNIMED waiting to help make your dream into reality.
In my position as the Head of the Department of Community Medicine, I have found the attitudes and behaviors of our students quite encouraging. Our students have largely demonstrated a good sense of decency, diligence, and discipline in their conduct and behaviors. These qualities are required to maximally harness and optimize the opportunities provided at UNIMED.
We challenge you to prepare well for the 21st century. Seize the day, seize the opportunity and be part of the unique experience that UNIMED offers. Welcome to the Department of Community Medicine at UNIMED.
Dr. Oladoyin Victoria Oluwabunmi, MBBS,FWACP,MPH.
Ag.Head of Department of Community Medicine
Upon successful completion of the lecture series and clinical postings in community medicine as a component of the MBBS program, students would be able to:
1. Describe the major differences between community medicine and other related clinical specialties.
2. Articulate the principles and practice of epidemiology; biostatistics; health policy and management including primary health care; reproductive and family health; environmental health among other disciplinary public health terrains.
3. Identify the relative effectiveness of the different public health interventions utilizing appropriate principles and methods from health and the social and behavioral sciences.
4. Apply medical knowledge, epidemiology and clinical reasoning skills in solving public health problems emanating from health institutions and communities.
5. Demonstrate disciplinary public health and community medicine skills.
6. Demonstrate simple procedures and skills needed to conduct community entry, diagnosis, and investigation of epidemics, nutritional assessment and intervention, and public health program management and laboratory skills.
7. Discuss the essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories in community health that form the theoretical basis for community medical practices and apply such knowledge in the interpretation, planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs.
8. Recognize public health problems and plan strategies for their solution including implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of public health activities at community and institutional levels.
9. Conduct basic research through data collection, data analysis, data presentation, data interpretation, and familiarity with public health software such as SPSS, MS Excel and STATA.
10. Disseminate public health-related scientific findings orally and in writing using appropriate presentation technologies.
11. Recognize how communities socialize and respond to illnesses and health-seeking behavior within the community, including the essential worth of the individual through internal responses and identify the factors that influence the health and well-being of a community.
HELLO YOU'VE BEEN HACKED is a summary of the subject matter in the curriculum of the Undergraduate Medical students in Community Medicine that will lead to the award of the degree of M.B.B.S, Courses are conducted at 200 and 300 levels in the Pre-clinical years and from 400 to 600 level in the clinical years.
200 Level
Introduction to Public Health
Definition and Sub-Specialties in Public Health. The Role of the Public Health Physician. The Doctor’s Role in Health Promotion and Prevention. Behavioural and Non-behavioural Factors in Health and Diseases. History of Medicine
Biostatistics 1
Distribution. Tools for Data Collection. Scales of Measurement. Diagrammatic Presentation of Statistical Data: Histograms, Pie and Bar Charts, Graph, Pictogram, etc. Numerical Presentation of Statistical Data: Measures of Central Tendency and Location. Measures of Dispersion. Tables, etc. Population, Samples and Sampling Techniques
Medical Sociology
Introduction to Sociology. Definition of Health, Disease, Sickness, Illness. Socialization, Role Differentiation. Beliefs, Values, Norms, Superstition, Taboos, etc. Human Organizations and System: Family System, Marriage Types and Stability. Types of Societies, Social Classification. Culture and Health – Beneficial, Harmful and Neutral Practices. Religion and Health Socio- economic status and Health. Education Status and Health. Traditional and Modern Health Systems. Recreation, Sleep. Health Behaviour and Illness Behaviour. Doctor/Patient Relationship. Working Population, Unemployment, Retirement. Dependency, Social Security. Social Deviance, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Smoking.
Rehabilitative and Social Medicine:
Introduction to Social Medicine. The Under-privileged in the Society, Disability, Handicap, Impairment, Classification and Causes of Handicaps. Problems of the Aged. Social Welfare Services in Nigeria and other Countries. Handicapped. Orphanage, Old People’s Home, Remand Homes, Prisons. Voluntary Agency.
Health Education
Principles, Methods and Strategies. Health Education in the Control of Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
Environmental Health I (Human Ecology)
Components of the Environment:
Biological, Physical and Social. Ecological Concepts. Man’s Interaction with the Environment: Adaptation Process, Balance and Change. Socio-economic Activities and the Human Environment: Deforestation, Irrigation, Dams, Industrialization, etc. The Petroleum Industry and the Niger Delta. The Ozone Layer, Green House Gase Climate Change and Health.
300 Level
Environmental Health II
Introduction to Environmental Health. Environmental Sanitation and Its Component. Water and Health, Sources of Water, Uses of Water. Examination of Water. Purification of Water. WHO Water Programmes. Food Hygiene: Safeguarding of Food. Housing and Health
Reproductive and Family Health I
Introduction to Family Health: Concept, Components and Objectives. Measurements in Family Health. Health Problems and Health Needs of Mothers and Children. Determinants of Health of Mothers and Children. School Health: Aims and Objectives. The School Health Programme.
Nutrition and Health
Nutrition and Health: Classification of Food. Nutrition Values of Common Nigerian Foodstuff. Culture and Nutrition. Beliefs and Taboos. Infection and Nutrition. Breastfeeding: The National Breastfeeding Policy. Weaning Practices. Food Policy. Food Hygiene and Toxicology: Nutrition Education. Applied Dietetics I: Diet in Aetiology and Management of Diseases (Kwashiokor, Marasmus, Vitamin Deficiencies, Mineral Deficiencies, Obesity, Hypervitaminosis, etc). Applied Dietetics II: Diet in Aetiology and Management of Diseases (Diabetes, Essential Hypertension, Coronary Heart Diseases, Liver Failure, Goitre, Myxoedema, Cretinism, Dental Caries, Anaemia). Assessment of the Nutritional Status of a Community.
International Health
History of International Health. International Health Organization/Agencies, e.g. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, FHI, etc. Port Health. International Notification of Disease. International Health Regulations.
400 Level
Medical Ethics
History and evolution of medical ethics. International code of medical ethics. Duties of doctors. The medical and dental council of Nigeria. Professional Negligence / Responsibilities / Confidentiality / Misconduct. Ethics of medical research. The doctor and the law: Judicial, Coronal Court
Definition and uses, population composition: Age, sex, occupation, Religion e,t,c. Population dynamics (Fertility, mortality, migration, population structure, growth and projection. Sources of population data: Sources of health and vital statistics, Cancer registration. Demographic transition: Malthusian theory of population. Census: National and Local, World population and policy. The National Population policy. Interaction between medical action. Population health and population growth. Measurement of health and diseases. Different rates and their uses. Standardization of vital rates.
Computer in Medicine
History of computer, functional components of computer, characteristics of computer, problem solving, flow chart, Algorithms computer Programming, statements, symbolic names, array, subscripts, exposition and control statement. Introduction to basic programming languages, computer application. Application of Computers to Medicine: Introduction to Basic Programming. Data types – constants and variables. Statement types, Assignment types, Input-output Statements. Control Statements. Data Base Management Systems. Creation, access and storage in files. Practical posting to computer centers.
Biostatistics II
Probability theory. Estimating population values. The standard normal curve. Statistical significance. The Z test, T test, Chi square test. Sampling errors, Standard errors, confidence intervals. Association, correlation and regression
Principles of epidemiology and disease control
Epidemiology: Definition and history. Disease distribution. Biological determinants: Effective agent, reservoir of infection. Other determinants: Behavioural, social e.t.c. Transmission of communicable diseases. Host factors. Epidemiological tools: Rate, Ratio and percentages. Epidemiological methods: Epidemiological studies. Health management information system. Disease surveillance and notification. Screening test. Principles of disease control. Uses of epidemiology. Epidemiological Triad
Field and Laboratory Work in Community Medicine
These consist of lectures and guided visits to various public health programs including the following: Environmental health services including visits to water treatment works, sewage treatment plants, markets and other food processing factories and abattoirs, refuse disposal systems etc. Community Welfare Services, lectures and visits to Remand homes, homes for motherless and handicapped children, prisons, schools for the deaf etc. Public Health Departments: Lecturers and visits to familiarize themselves with the activities of the department. Maternal and Child Health services; lectures and visits. Public’s Health Laboratories: lectures and demonstration on their activities including testing of water etc control of communicable diseases, lectures and visits to the tuberculosis clinic and the infectious diseases clinics. Occupational Health Services; lectures and visits to selected industries.
500 Level
Epidemiology and control of communicable diseases
Epidemiology and control of communicable diseases according to route of transmission. Epidemiology and control of viral infections (Poliomyelitis, HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis A-G, Yellow fever, chicken pox, Lassa fever, Ebola, Exotic diseases, Rabies, Measles, Rubella, viral URTIs. Epidemiology and control of bacteria infections (Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Enteric fevers, Dysentery, Cholera, Food poisoning, tetanus, bacteria pneumonia and meningococcal infections, rheumatic fever, pertussis, diphtheria, plague, anthrax and chlamydia infections). Epidemiology and control of protozoals infections (malaria, amoebiasis, gardiasis, trypanosomiasis, anthrax, chlamydia infections). Epidemiology and control of fungal infections (Superficial fungal infections, candidiasis). Epidemiology and control of helminthes infestations (Ascariasis, trichuriasis, enterobiosis, visceral larva migrans, cutaneous larval migrans, shistosomiasis, strongylodiasis, brancroftian and Malaysian filariasis, loasis, oncocerciasis). Epidemiology and control of special group of communicable diseases – STI, Zoonosis, diarrhea diseases and re-emerging infectious diseases and hospital infections. Control programs of communicable diseases in Nigeria.
Rehabilitative and Social Medicine II
Disaster Management. Refugees. Gender Issues: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); Female Genital Cutting (FGC), Puberty and Widowhood Rites; Male Child Preference and Discrimination against the Girl Child; Forced Early Marriage; Wife Inheritance and Hospitality Practices, Violence Against Women and Men; Sexual Abuse and Women Trafficking.
Epidemiology and control of non-communicable diseases
Epidemiology and control of genetic and congenital diseases (Sickle cell diseases and down syndrome). Epidemiology and control of asthma and peptic ulcer. Epidemiology and control of diabetics, hypertension, coronary heart diseases, G6PD deficiency, Ca cervix and Ca Breast and Ca prostrate. Control programs for non-communicable diseases in Nigeria.
Research methods
Planning issues in research. Ethical issues in research. Study design in medicine and public health. Clinical trials. Choice of project topic. Introduction-Problem definition, Objectives. Literature search/Literature review. Materials and method: Questionnaire design. Sample size determination/calculation. Sampling techniques. Data collection/management. Presentation of results: Presentation, analysis e.t.c. Discussion, conclusion and recommendation. Reference management using reference manager.
600 Level
Occupational health
Introduction to occupational health, history, aims and objectives. The environment of working places. Occupational health hazards and their control. Occupational health services. Occupational lung diseases. Hazards of various occupations: Agriculture, petroleum, executives, butchers, bottling. Hazards of radiation. Hazards of Radiation. Occupational Cancers. Environmental & Biological Monitoring, Industrial Medical Examination. Industrial Health Notification. Industrial Notifiable Diseases. Industrial Legislation: Factory Act, Workman’s’ Compensation Act. Industrial Rehabilitation. National and International Health Regulations relating to Occupational Health. Accidents: RTA and Home Accidents.
Health planning and management
Concepts, principles and functions of management. Health Services Management: Definition, History and Elements. Principles, Scope and Nature of Health Services (Levels of Health Care).
Organization of Health Services in Nigeria: Federal, State and LGAs. Comparative Analysis of Health Care Systems in Different Countries. Planning of Health Services (Cybernetic Cycle). Evaluation of Health Services. National Health Policy. National Health Insurance Scheme. Management of Human, Material and Financial Resources. The Health Team. Health Economics.
Each student shall complete a project on a topic of public health relevance under supervision of an academic staff.
This will be a structured assessment of completed project work
Primary health care
Definition, History and Elements of Primary Health Care (PHC). Strategies for the Implementation of PHC. Basic Health Services Scheme and PHC Institutions. The Medical Office of Health. Vaccines. Types. The Cold Chain. The National Programme on Immunization. Mass Immunization Programmes. The Bamako Initiative. Referral System in Health Care Delivery. Principles of PHC: Equitable Distribution. Integration of Services. Appropriate Technology. Community Participation. Inter-sectoral Collaboration. Community Diagnosis. The Structure and Functioning of Communities. Methods of Practical Epidemiology. The Conduct of Demographic and Morbidity Surveys in a Defined Community. Methods of Informal Data Collection. Health Care Alternatives at Community Level. Health Management in PHC. Identifying and Describing the Health Needs and Problems of a Defined Community. Establishing Health Priorities for a Defined Community. Setting Goals. Objectives and Targets for PHC Services for a Defined Community. Formulating a PHC Plan. Drawing up a PHC Budget. Budgeting and Accounts. Organizational Structure of PHC. Integration of Services for PHC.
Reproductive and Family Health II
Family Health Practice. Maternal Health Care Services. Infant Welfare Clinic. Organization and Evaluation of Family Health Programmes. Immunization Programmes. Population Dynamics and Family Planning. The “At Risk” Concept in MCH. Safe Motherhood Initiative. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI).
Environmental Health II
Disposal of Wastes: Sewage and Refuse Disposal. Disposal of the Dead. Control of Vectors. Other Pests and Animal Reservoir of Infection. Insecticides of Public Health Importance. Air Hygiene and Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution. Legislation and Environmental Health: Public Health Laws. Identification of an Appropriate Water Supply for a Defined Community. Identification of an Appropriate Method of Sanitation for a Defined Community. Promoting Self Help Projects at the Community Level.
Oladoyin Victoria Oluwabunmi |
Senior Lecturer/HOD |
voladoyin@unimed.edu.ng |
Ogundele Olorunfemi Akinbode |
Senior Lecturer |
oogundele@unimed.edu.ng |
Asuzu Michael Chiemeli |
Professor |
mcasuzu@unimed.edu.ng |
Johnson Ofonime Effiong |
Professor |
ejohnson@unimed.edu.ng |
Adebimpe Wasiu Olalekan |
Professor |
lekanadebimpe@unimed.edu.ng |
Akintade Grace Omowumi |
B.Sc.,PGD,Masters in Public Health |
Higher Laboratory Technician |
gakintade@unimed.edu.ng |
Akanbiemu Francis Adegoke |
Certificate,MBBS,FWACP,MPH |
Senior Lecturer |
fakanbiemu@unimed.edu.ng |
Ajibola Olatunde Benson |
Lecturer I |
oajibola@unimed.edu.ng |
Osifo Joy Atonirehonmon |
Lecturer 1 |
josifo@unimed.edu.ng |
Ibirongbe Demilade Olusola |
Lecturer 1 |
oibirongbe@unimed.edu.ng |
John Bamidele Akintolure |
N.C.E |
Data entry clerk |
bakintolure@unimed.edu.ng |
Amadasun, Deborah Violet |
RM,RN,B.NSc. |
Nursing Officer 1 |
damadasun@unimed.edu.ng |
Osemede, Osatohanmwen Eromosele |
Nursing Officer |
eosemede@unimed.edu.ng |
Akintoye, Olaoluwa Akindayomi |
Driver I |
aolaoluwa@unimed.edu.ng |
Ayoola, Onaola Love |
Driver II |
oayoola@unimed.edu.ng |
Community Medicine Department
University of Medical Sciences
Laje road Ondo
Ondo State