BIO 111 General Biology 1
Animals: The course is intended to cover a comparative study of major morphological characteristics of the different animal groups, showing their gradual evolution from lower to higher organisms; the ecological adaptions of the different groups of animals; interrelationship of organisms and elements of ecology, reproduction in animals.
CHM 111 General Chemistry I
This course introduces the students to the basic components of substances and the chemistry of their interactions. Topics covered include: Atoms, molecules and chemical reaction, Atomic structure and periodicity.
Modern Electronic theory of atoms; Radioactivity Chemical Bonding; Properties of gases; Equilibra and thermodynamics; chemical kinetics; Electrochemistry.
History survey of the development and importance of organic chemisty. Nomenclature and classes of organic compounds; Homologous series; Functional groups. Isolation and purification of Organic compounds; Qualitative and quantitative orgabic chemistry, Stereochemistry; Determination of structure of Organic compounds; Saturated HYDROCARBONS, Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, periodic Table and Periodic properties; intermolecular forces; structure of solids; The chemistry of selected metals and non-metals; quantitative analysis; Chemistry equations and Stoichiometry.
CHM 112 General Practical Chemistry I
MAT 111 Elementary Mathematics I
Algebra: Set theory Venn diagrams and applications; Relations, equality and other relations. Definition of real and complex numbers; operation on complex numbers;
The Argand diagram, De Moivre’s theorem, with roots of unit; Laws of indices and theory of Logarithms. Binomial theorem, Functions and their graphs, Linear and quadratic equations, Remainder Theorem, rational functions, inequalities. Systems of Linear equations, Matrices and determinants. Trigonometry: Radian measure, trigonometric ratios; trigonometric functions and their graphs, odd, even and periodic properties; Trigonometric identities, addition and product formulae for trigonometric functions. Solution of Trigonometric equations, Sine and Cosine formulae, solution of triangles, Areas of Triangle and sectors.
GES 111 Communication in English I
GES 112 Use of Library Study Skills and ICT
GES 113 Philosophy and Logic
ANA 201 Gross Anatomy I (3 Units)
Upper limb; pectoral regions and mammary gland; axial and brachial plexuses, Back: deltoid and scapular regions, upper arms, forearm, hand-bones and joints Lower Limb; front and medial side thigh, gluteal region, back of the thigh and popliteal fossa, leg, sole of foot, bones and joints, Regional anatomy, surface Anatomy, Applied and Radiological anatomy of Upper Limb and Lower Limb.
ANA 213 General Embryology I: (2 Units)
General Embryology, gametogenesis, cyclic changes in the female genital tract, fertilization, cleavage, blastocyst, gastrulation and formation of germ, layers, segmentation of mesoderms, folding of Embryofetal membranes, umbilical cord and placentation and development of limbs, and teratology. Development anomalies, clinical syndromes
Pelvis-male: and female perineum-pelvic walls and floor, pelvic peritoneum, viscera, nerves and vessels. Regional anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy.
ANA 220 Gross Anatomy II (3Units)
Thorax and Abdomen, Thoracic wall, pleura, lungs, mediastinum and diaphragm. Abdomen, anterior abdominal wall and herniae-external genitaliaperitoneum, stomach and intestines, blood supply, Gut, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Kidneys and suprarenals
ANA 223 Systemic Embryology: (3 Units)
Development aspects of cardiovascular system. Integumentary system, Respiratory system, Digestive system and Urogenital system, development anomalies, clinical syndromes.
ANA 311 Gross Anatomy III (2 Units)
Head and Neck: Face and Scalp, Back and Spinal Cord, Cranial Cavity, orbitparotid, Temporal and infratemporal regions, triangles of neck submandibular region, nerves and vessels in deep dissection of neck, thyroid and parathyroid, prevertebral region and joints of neck, mouth and tongue, pharynx and palatonasal cavity and sinuses, larynx ear and eye.
Neuroanatomy: Meninges, base of brain and blood supply, hind brain, medulla, pons, cerebellum and 4th ventricle, midbrain, diencephalons and third ventricle, cerebral hemispheres, sulci and gyri, internal structures of cerebrum and lateral ventricles, basal ganglia. Thalamus and Hypothalamus, Synapses and reflex arcs – sensory and ascending pathways, motor and descending pathways. Cerebellar connections-pathways for hearing, smell and vision. Autonomic nervous systems.
Radiological and Applied Anatomy of the above.
ANA 315 Genetics: (2 Units)
Includes fundamental human genetic principles, variation in gene expression in man, patterns of inheritances in families (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, Y-linked and sex influenced). Cytogenetics, types and classification of Human chromosomes, methods of preparation of Human chromosomes and Karyotyping, types of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations and their causes.
PHS 214 Physiology I (3 Units)
Introductory and general principles of physiology and its place in Medicine, Cell structure and functions, cell mebranes and transport proceses, membrane and action potentials, body fluid compartments, Homeostasis and control system: feedback mechanisms, functions of blood, Haemopoiesis and Haematological indices, Haemoglobin and Hb disorders, Blood groups and Blood Transfusion, Introduction to Respiratory System Physiology, Anatomy and functions, introduction to Cardiovascular system physiology, anatomy and functions , clinical correlates.
PHS 224 Physiology II(3 Units)
Structure and functions of the kidney, introduction to GIT and development, physiologic anayomy of GIT wall, GIT motility and deglutition, Digestion and absorption of food in GIT, Secretory functions of the alimentary tracts, introduction to endocrinology, endocrine glands, development and fuctions of reproductive system, sex differentiation, puberty, menopause, male reproductive system, female reproductive system. Pregnancy, parturition and lactation, clinical correlates.
PHS 313 Neurophysiology (2 Units)
Central nervous systems. Organisation and Structure, Relex Arc. The neurone, impulse synapses, neurotransmitters, Sensory System, Motor System, Posture, Locomotion, Speech, Sleep-Waking mechanism, the Hypothalamus, E.E.G., function of CNS; Special Senses – Structure of the eye, Visual system, visual defects, auditory system, structure of the ear Deafness,
receptors, Physiology of olfaction.
BCM 213 General introductory Biochemistry (3 units)
History and definition of biochemistry, importance of biochemistry to medicine and other scientific disciplines. Classification, chemistry and structure of carbohydrates, Classification, chemistry and structure of lipids. Classification, chemistry and structure of protein, Enzymes: classification, structure and fucntions, Coenzymes and cofactors, Nucleic RNA, gene and genome organization, protein synthesis, diet and food value and vitamins. Minerals, vitamin deficiency.
BCM 223 Applied Biochemistry (3 Units)
Carbohydrate metabolism: Digestion, absorption, glycolysis, TCA cycle, Pentose Phosphate Parhway, Gluconeogenesis, and glyoxylate cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation, glycogen metabolism, metabolism of rpoteins and amino acids: Diestion, Deamination, Transamination, Urea cycle, Glucogenis and Ketogenic amino acids. Metabolism of lipids: Digestion, absorption, transportation of lipids, lipid oxidation, ketone bodies and ketosis. Integration of metabolism. Introductory kinetics and bioenergetics.
PHY 111: General Physics I (Mechanics And Properties Of Matter) (3 Units)
Space and Time, Frames of Reference, Invariance of physical laws, Relativity of simultaneity, Relativity of time intervals, relativity of length, units and dimension; standards and units, unit consistency and conversions. Kinematics, Vectors and vector addition, Components of vectors, Unit vectors, Products of vectors. Displacement, Time and average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average acceleration, motion with constant acceleration, freely falling bodies, position and velocity vectors, acceleration vector, projectile motion. Motion in a circle and Relative velocity. Fundamental laws of mechanics: forces and interactions, Newton’s first law, Newton’s second law, Mass and weight, Newton’s third law. Statics and dynamics: application of Newton’s laws, dynamics of particles, frictional forces, dynamics of circular motion.
Galilean invariance, universal gravitation, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces. Work and energy, kinetic energy and the work-energy theorem, power, momentum and impulse, conservation of momentum, collisions and momentum conservation, elastic collisions, centre of Mass. Rotational dynamics and angular momentum, angular velocity and acceleration, energy in rotational motion, parallel axis theorem, torque, torque and rotation about a moving axis, simple harmonic motion and its applications. The simple pendulum, damped oscillations, forced oscillations and resonance.
PHY 112: General Physics Iii (2 Units)
Molecular treatment of properties of matter, Elasticity; Hooke’s Law, Young’s shear and bulk moduli. Hydrostatics; Pressure, buoyancy. Archimedes Principles. Hydrodynamics; Streamlines Bernoulli and continuity equations. Turbulence, Reynold’s number. Viscosity; laminar flow, Poiseuille’s equation. Surface tension; adhesion, cohesion, capillarity, drops and bubbles. Temperature; the zeroth law of thermodynamics; heat; gas laws of thermodynamics; Kinetic theory of gases. Applications relating to Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics
PHY 113: General Experimental Physics I (1 Unit)
The experiments will illustrate basic techniques, observations, quantitative measurement, graphical representation, analysis and deductions from the data and error analysis. The experiments include: Mechanics: timing experiments, simple pendulum, compound pendulum, determination of g, moments, determination of moment of inertia, determination of viscosity, use of force board, law of momentum. Optics: reflection using plane mirror, convex/concave mirror, concave/convex lens, refraction using a prism, critical angle, apparent depth/real depth, simple microscope, compound microscope.
PHY 121: General Physics Iii (Electricity And Magnetism I) (3 Units)
Electrostatics: Conservation law of electric charges, electrons and electrostatics, Coulomb’s law, electric field and forces, electric field lines, electric dipoles, charged particles in an electric field, charge and electric flux. Gauss’ law and its applications, electric potential, electric potential due to a single charge, electric potential due to a dipole, electric potential due to continuous charge distribution, equipotential surfaces. Conductors and currents: electric current, resistors and resistance, electric power, capacitors in series and parallel, energy storage in capacitors and electric field energy, Gauss’ law in dielectrics. Magnetism: magnetic field, magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field, magnetic force on a current carrying conductor, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart law, electromagnetic induction, inductance, self-inductance, mutual inductance, Maxwell’s equation, electromagnetic waves and oscillations.
PHY 122: General Experimental Physics Ii (1 Unit)
The experiments will illustrate basic techniques, observations, quantitative measurement, graphical representation, analysis and deductions from the data analysis. The experiments include: Electricity: Ohm’s law, heating effect of electric current, internal resistance of a cell, meter/Wheatstone Bridge, Potentiometer measurement of Electrochemical Equivalent (ECE), plotting of magnetic field. Heat: measurement of specific heat capacity of water and a solid, measurement of expansion of gas using a long capillary tube, Joule’s law. Sound: resonance tube, sonometer.
PHY 225 Elementary Modern Physics (3 Units)
Electrostatics, Physical Factors governing capacitance, charging and discharging capacitor and their uses in Radiological Equipment, basic X-ray circuitry, etc. Basic computer Architecture and peripherals, Electromagnetron; Electromagnetic induction, Mutual and Self-induction; principles and construction of the transformer; Transformer Parameters, uses of mutual and self-inductance in autotransformers and High Tension transformers, solid conductor devices, principles and uses in Radiology, concept of energy, wave and Quantum methods of Energy Transfer; Botir’s atom; and applications in radiology, Rectification, production of X-rays, Radioactivity and radioactive decay, Half-life, counters, units of activity and measurement, K-capture. The atom, isotopes, isobars, isomers, Nuclear binding energies, and inverse square law; effects of filtration.
Luminescence and their applications. Physics of u/s computed tomography and MRI.
PTH 311 General PathologyI (3 Units)
Introduction to Pathology. Tissue and Cellular Injury. Reaction to Cellular Injury. Healing and repair. Disturbance of cell growth – cellular adaptation and neoplasia. Principles of general pathology as apply to individual organ with emphasis on those diseases commonly encountered in the environment of hypertension, heart failure, renal tumours; tuberculosis, etc.
PTH 325: General Pathology II
RAD 221Basic care of Patient and Professional Ethics(2 Unit)
Basic first Aid, Principles of Nursing, general and special preparation, General and special care, professional attitude of the Radiographer. Hygiene; Infection and Principles of Asepsis Special and Emergency Care of the Patient. Use of Hospital and Nursing Equipment. Moving and lifting. Drugs Hospital Practice: The Raidiographer in the hospital team. Design of Radiodiagnostic or
Radiotheraphy Department. Medico-Legal aspects. Health Services Organisation and Management. Professional Ethics.
RAD 222 Psychology for Radiography (1 Unit)
The Psychology of the sick patient, management of children, the elderly, the disabled. Potentially violent patients, and patients in terminal stages of disease. Communication. Communication with and general care of patients’ relatives, professional attitude of the Radiographer, Relationship with staff, Acceptance of responsibility for care of patient Motivation and emotional adjustment.
RAD 204 Nursing in Radiography (2 units)
Students attend Nursing Posting to familiarize themselves with the use of some basic Hospital and Nursing equipment.
RAD 311 Radiobiology/Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (3 Units)
Cell Theory and genetic Apparatus, Radiation Chemistry, Effect of Radiation on DNA molecules, amino acid, protein etc. Cellular Damages, Survival curves. Theories of Biological effects of Radiation, short and long term effect (stochastic and non Stochastic, Radiosensitivity and Modifiers, post irradiation clinic events, Organ pathology Syndromes, Evidence from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Target Theory and lethal Dose. Units of radiation measurement. Role of International Committee on Radiological protection, Radiation Dosimetry and instrumentation.
The purpose and scope of Radiation protection. Systems of Dose Limitation. Radiological Design materials, Personnel monitoring.
RAD 312 Radiographic Anatomy I (2 Units)
Conventional and contrast Radiographic Anatomy of the systems. Anatomy applied to ultra sound and nuclear Medicine. Surface anatomy and cross sectional anatomy.
RAD 313 Radiography Techniques I (3 Units)
Courses lined up for this subject are designed to ensure full exposure of student to the
procedures for radiographic examinations. Emphasis is on the close relationship between the
theory and the practical use of the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, radiation
physics/protection to produce diagnostically accepted radiograph. Radiographic Technique
will cover the procedures for producing images, the clinical protocols, modifications
necessary shall be taken in the following; Introduction to radiography – Principles of image
formation. Factors affecting image quality. Radiation protection in a clinical setting.
Appropriate technique presentation format. Identification and preparation of the patient for
the radiographic examination of the upper extremities. Radiographic projections for fingers,
thumb, hand etc; and shoulder girdle and thorax. Radiographic technique for lower limbs,
pelvic girdle and hip, Vertebral column (cervical, cervico-thoracic, thoracic, thoraco-lumbar
RAD 314 Psychology & Medical Sociology for Radiography students (2 Units)
The Psychology of the sick patient, management of children, the elderly, the disabled, potentially violent patients, and patients in terminal stages of disease. Communication; Communication with and general care of patient’s relatives. Professional attitude of the Radiologic Scientist’s relationship with staff, acceptance of responsibility for care of patient; motivation and emotional adjustment.
RAD 321 Radiographic Anatomy II (2 Units)
Identification and recognition of normal and pathological Anatomical structures and Physiological processes. Basic Manifestations and presentation of various pathological conditions and disease entities on Radiographs, covering the major organs and systems of the body.
RAD 322 Radiographic Technique II (3 Units)
Radiographic examination of the skull. Dental Radiography. Skelatal survey. Plain
radiography of the viscera and soft tissues. Accident and emergency radiography
Medical imaging involves basic photographic processes. This course introduces the student
to the principles of photography and imaging, x- ray film structure and materials, The
radiographic image, latent image formation, fluorescent and its application in radiography,
Intensifying screens, films, cassettes, structure, care and functions, tests. Chemistry of
processing solutions, hazards. Sensitometry, storage of films. Identification and presentation
of radiographs, Viewing of radiographs. Manual and automatic processing techniques.
Daylight system, duplication and subtraction of radiographs. Automated film handling
systems, photofluorography. Darkroom design, Principles of fibre optics and video
Physical description of and principles of operation of basic radiographic equipment shall be
covered in this course. The topic studied include: Mains supply, Basic principles of
generators including falling load and frequency multipliers. Control and stabilizing
equipments. High tension circuits, Meters, exposure Times and switches. Fuses, Circuit
breakers, Interlocking Circuits, The x-ray Tube; Construction and operation, High tension
Cables, Tube stands, Effect and control of scatter radiation. General principles of scatter
Radiation Grids Collimators and Beam Centering devices, portable and mobile units.
RAD 325 Clinical Posting I (4 Units)
Students should attend clinical posting at designated hospitals 12 hours per week 2 days release.
In addition to the above postings, Students are to attendpostings in accredited and designated hospitals for 30 hours per week during vacation. Finalyear students undergo a two months posting to gain proficiency in Computed Tomography(CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nuclear Medicine imaging in recognizedinstitutions offering such facilities during the first semester of the final year. Students areassessed during postings by Supervising imaging Scientists within the host Departmentsunder strict monitoring by the Clinical Supervisor from the Department of Radiography &Radiological Science, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo.
RAD 411: Radiographic Technique III
Other contrast examination, aortography, venography. Ventriculography, Encephalography, Sinography, Fistulography, Ward Radiography. Geriatric Paediatric Radiography, Principles of Tomography, Macro-radiography, xero-radiography, Digital imaging.
The course presents deeper aspects of the photographic phenomenon. The students will study
and undergo practical training in the following: Silver recovery, principles of special imaging
techniques, video recording, photographic and electronic methods of video image recoding
and storage, care and protection of video tapes and disks. Practical based on all imaging
courses. Also, students should demonstrate ability to design and guide in the structural set up
and functional operation of x-ray department. Dark-room care, maintenance and minor
repairs of x-ray darkroom equipment, including conventional and daylight systems, etc.
This course is designed to expose the student to more sophisticated and specialized
equipment. The student shall be able to appreciate the components and functions of the
following radiographic equipments: Special tomographic equipment; Fluoroscopic
Equipment, Dental Equipment, Mammography Equipment, Equipment for neuroradography,
accident and emergency Equipment, Image intensifiers, Rapid Series Equipment. Basic
principles of Equipment for modern imaging modalities, Care and Maintenance of
Equipment, Practical and troubleshooting, knowledge based on the entire course in
radiographic Equipment
RAD 414 Mammography
History of Mammography: Mention W.C. Roentgen, 1895, Albert Salomon (German Surgeon) on 1913, Comparism of surgical tissue and healthy breast. Uses of Mammography. Equipment for mammography. Compression devices, the magnification setup, use of grids and automatic exposure controls, X-ray generators in Mammography. Anatomy of breast (Overview), Factors of good quality Mammogram: Radiographer, Patient factor, equipment. Technique factors: Adequate penetration, Contrast and patient dose. Patient preparation, techniques and views. Male Mammography: breast cancer and gynaecomastia. Indication and techniques for ductography.
RAD 415: Ultrasound Imaging I
Common ultrasound terminologies.
Normal Pelvic Anatomy: Uterus – anatomy and ultrasound examination. Vagina – sonographic appearance. Ovaries – Anatomy to include shape, size in prepubertal, menstrual and post menstrual stages. Supporting structures – Divisions of the pelvis i.e. true & false pelvis, location and functions of supporting muscular structures. Sites of fluid accumulation – anterior and posterior cul-de-sac, space of Retzius and fornices. Vasculature – roles of uterine and ovarian arteries.
Physiology: Menstrual Cycle – role of the pituitary gland in menstruation should be stated. pregnancy Test – indicators of pregnancy. Fertilization – formation of embryo. Infertility and Endocrinology. Contraceptives, Sonographic findings with IUCDs. First Trimester. Gestational Sac – embryology of the gestational sac. Sonographic findings of gestational sac development: Yolk Sac, Ovaries (corpus Luteum), Pregnancy failure – Fetal demise, anembryonic pregnancy (blighted ovum), threatened abortion, inevitable, missed, habitual, complete/spontaneous abortion. Ectopic pregnancy. Sonographic examination in the first trimester.
Determination of presence or absence of fetal life. e. Determination of fetal Number.
RAD 416: Magnetic Resonance Imaging I
Designs of MR scanners: Open, closed systems. Superconductors, Permanent magnets, Resistive magnets. Cooling mechanisms, Nitrogen, Helium etc.
Oxygen levels. Oxygen gauges and meters, Oxygen displacement by helium. Loss of superconductivity. Quench, Shielding systems, The Faraday’s cage. Strength of Magnets. Magnet homogeneity. Shimming, Characteristics of the main magnet
Strength of the field produced. Tesla (T). Gauss. Magnets in clinical use and in research.
Parameters, image quality and trades off: SNR, Slice Thickness FOV, Matrix, NEX, Pixels and voxels. Slice thickness, slice Gap. Noise, Partial volumes
FOV, Matrix., Number of excitations, Acquisition time. TR, TE, Receive bandwidth
RAD 421: Nuclear Medicine & Radionuclide (2 Units)
This course will expose the student to the principles involved in the application of
radioactivity in imaging. Topics listed or to be covered include: Basic principles, Decay
schemes Radionuclide production, cyclotron production, cyclotron design and performance,
radiopharmaceuticals, impurity levels, Equipment Nuclear medicine generators, procedures,
Contamination monitoring, Radioisotope image, electronics, uniformity correction, dead
time performance factors – collimators, shielding requirements, internal dosimetry. Disposal
of radioactive wastes. Planar imaging, PET, SPECT- PET –CT- principles of operation,
procedures, dosimeter and image analysis
RAD 422: Radiographic Equipment III
Daylight systems, duplication and subtraction of Radiographs. Automated film handling systems, photo-fluorography, Darkroom design; principles of fibre-optics and video-transmission.
RAD 423 Ultrasound Imaging II
Simple description of common artifacts and their origin, Dosimetry, bio effects regulations and standard of practice, quality assurance and equipment specifications.
Second and Third Trimester (Normal Anatomy): Basic guidelines for obstetric sonograms. Fetal biometry, Basic survey of fetal anatomy to rule out abnormality. Evaluation of fetal Cranium, Spine, Heart, abdominal organs and limbs
Abdominal Sonography: Liver, Structure and Anatomy: Sonographic appearances in normal and disease conditions.
Biliary Tree: Anatomy of the gall bladder, nature & function of the Bile ducts, Bile and sphincter of odds should be stressed. Normal anatomical variants – functional fold, Phrygian cap, Hertmann’spouh, Scanning techniques d. Indications & laboratory values.
Pancreas: Anatomy – subdivisions, Pancreatic ducts; duct of wirsung, ducts of santorim, blood supply, functions – endocrine & exocrine systems. Scanning techniques & laboratory values.
RAD 424: Research Methodology
Types of scientific enquiry, Research design. Formation of hypothesis, Data collection methods, Validity and reliability issues. Methods of data presentation: deductive, inductive and inferences of Medical Research.
RAD 425: Computed Tomography I
Introduction to Computed Tomography: Basic terminology, components – imaging, computer and display systems, Digital image processing overview, Image manipulation. Overview of imaging parameters; Protocol selection, Motion reduction. Overview of clinical applications of CT, Information gained, Pathology demonstrated, Basic positioning guidelines.
Patient and personal safety: Radiation dose considerations, Table weight limits, Pregnancy, Emergency in the scanning area, Contraindications to patient scanning.
Computer Technology: Review of Computers and their operation, Digital Image Processing; CT Components: Equipment and Software: Data acquisition and Reconstruction: Acquisition methods, Spiral CT, Scanogram, Technical Factors, Image Quality/Manipulation, Radiation Dose, Artifacts, Correcting Suboptimal Images, Display/Recording/Storage and Quality Assurance.
RAD 426: Diagnostic Clinical Posting III (SIWES)
Students should attend clinical postings in designated hospitals for 3 months.
RAD 427: Radiological Health Administration
Application of managerial structure. Health care policy, Inter-dependence of various departments. Radiology Department and organizational structure. Financial resources and management. Vital statistics and records, Inventory, Information control. Personnel management. Management and communication process, Patient-flow and appointment system. Public relations, Evaluation of management, principles and performances.
PHA 311: Pharmacology 1
Origin and sources of drugs. Routes of administration of drug. Pharmacokinetics; absorption of drugs; excretion of drugs; drug toxicity; adverse drug reactions; drug interactions – cholinergic and adrenergic; vomiting – anti-emetics, constipation – purgatives; receptor antagonists, oxygen therapy, broncho-dilators, asthma, cough suppressants. Respiratory stimulants.
Anti-coagulants: heparin, fibrinolysis Vasodilators; diuretics; renal failure; immunity Major features of malignant diseases; principles of cancer chemotherapy, Nervous system stimulants, anti-convulsants. Pharmacology of Radiological contrast agents.
COM 315 Biostatistics
Introduction to statistics, definitions and examples of basic statistical terminologies, descriptive statistics and tabular and graphical presentations. Populations samples and the Normal distribution to Demography in medicine, procedures for hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance, correlation and regression, Chi-square, non-parametric techniques, relative risk and measure of strength of association, computers – an overview.
RAD 511: Entrepreneurship skills in Radiography (2 Units)
This course places emphasis of shifting clinical protocols to build the requisite skills in managerial and enterpreneural capacities in students. Issues involved in setting up Diagnostic
facilities will be covered, with a practical approach to areas like; Feasibility study; Health
financing; Grantsmanship and funding issues, Elements of Accounting; officer management.
Inventorying, Interpersonal relationships, Service delivery, Customer Service, etc. Report
writing. The submission of a report of practical WORKSHOPS ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP
IN Medical diagnostic Imaging will be needed.
RAD 512: Computed Tomography II
Cross-Sectional Anatomy of CNS. Computed Tomography of the Head and Central Nervous System: Scanning Considerations: Preparation criteria, Positioning criteria, Planes / anatomy best demonstrated, Technical parameters, Artifact and motion reduction, Windowing, Pathology: Clinical Indications Anatomic Locations
RAD 513: Magnetic Resonance Imaging II
Spatial Encoding and Image Formation: The homogenous magnetic field, behaviour of protons in the magnetic field, Protons and Lamour frequency, Slice direction, Phase direction and Frequency direction, Slice encoding gradient, Slice select gradient, Use of varying bandwidth, Modifying the steepness of the gradient, Gradient fields, Frequency encoding, Phase encoding, K – Space filling, Fourier transformation. Techniques --- Central Nervous System: Coil selection, Immobilization devises, Ear defenders, Aids for claustrophobic patients—mirror glasses, eye shields, Artifact considerations, Use of saturation bands, Flow compensation, Indications for MRI in the brain and spines, Parameters and, image quality considerations, Patient positioning, Important landmarks and reference points, Protocol selection, Essential and complementary sequences, Image weighting for particular, indications, Thick and thin slices, High resolution slices, Contrast enhancement, Introduction to diffusion weighted imaging
RAD 514:Radiotherapy/Oncology I
Application of ionizing Radiation to tumours and other Diseases Superficial and Deep Therapy. Heat and Immunotherapy. Nature and types of Cancer; staging, causes and management. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Equipment for production of Radiation Therapy beam. Radiation Beam in measurement/Isodose curves. Radiation protection, Beam modifiers/applicators.
RAD 515: Image Critique/Pattern Recognition
Radiographic film critique and quality control (Film faults); Ability to identify common basic pathologies on radiographs in order to be able to carry out necessary modifications or additional projections. Pattern recognition in CT images, MR images and mammograms.
RAD 516: Diagnostic Clinical Posting IV
Students should attend posting in accredited and designated Hospitals – 18hrs per week.
This course is designed to expose the student to the necessity and applications of the computer in diagnostic imaging. Topics to be treated include: Computed Radiography with image plates, PSP, flat panel, physical components of CR image processing, the CR image processor, processing Algorithms, Computers in radiology, CR image readers/processors; Direct digital radiography; Hospital information system, Radiology information system, the digital image quality, image compression, works stations and displays, PACS timing, Remote access – Teleradiology, Digital fluorography, digital subtraction angiography. Digital Fluorography.
RAD 518: Radiographic Imaging III (2 Units)
Revision of Radiographic Imaging I and II with special investigations.
Simulators and their uses.
RAD 521: Radiographic Technique (Revision)
Revision for Radiographic Techniques I, II and III
RAD 522: Radiographic Equipment IV
Practical and―Trouble Shooting‖ knowledge based on all the courses in Radiographic equipment.
An oral presentation of by each student of the research work (Project) carried out on an approved topic to a departmental colloquium. The students’ ability to articulate research findings relative to the existing body of knowledge and critical thinking skills are assessed.
RAD 524: Radiotherapy/Oncology II
Manual and Automatic treatment planning.Treatment fields and applications. Radiotherapeutic procedures for selected organs. Mould room and their uses. Management of patient and Post-treatment patient care drugs.
RAD 525: Medical imaging quality assurance and control (2 Units)
This course focuses on exposing the student to the need of quality assurance in medical imaging field. The student will be taught different quality control processes and techniques as they apply to medical imaging. Topics to be coved will include: QC as a management function; QC in imaging, QC in dosimetry (patient, occupationally exposed). Evaluation of the performance of diagnostic radiology machines, x-ray, mammography fluoroscopy, CT, ultrasound MRI. Acceptance testing, quality control, dose – image quality, optimization in diagnostic radiology; shielding quality; calculations and record keeping, etc. The use of information technology for QC.
RAD 526: Diagnostic Clinical Posting V
Posting of students to Hospitals at least for 9 hours weekly.
RAD 590 Seminar I (2 Units)
A written report and an oral presentation by each student on an approved topic to a departmental colloquium will be expected. This seminar assesses the students’ understanding of a chosen subject matter and their ability to covey same to participating audience. This course will also expose students to conference presentation platforms and skills.
RAD 599 Project (5 Units)
Each student must produce a bound thesis report on an approved/selected topic based on any relevant/acceptable area of study. It must be a research work carried out by the student under an approved supervisor.