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Ovuakporie-Uvo Oghale Oghenefego
B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D
Ag. Director


The overall objective of the CeHMDD is to become an international Centre of excellence renowned for scientific exploration of indigenous plants and natural products in a sustainable manner for the purpose of drug discovery and development.


            The mission of the Centre is to:


1.   Promote access to effective, safe and reliable herbal medicinal products through, basic and translational research, innovations, training and advocacy, and driving the agenda for the modernization of herbal medicine for longer, healthier, happier lives.



2.   Cultivate and improve the availability of indigenous medicinal   plants for sustainable use.



3.   Produce and evaluate herbal drugs using phytochemistry,   pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics for the development of herbal medicines.



     4.  Educate local traditional herbal medicine practitioners in order to  rationalize and control herbal medicines in Nigeria.

University of Medical Sciences

Laje Road, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria. PMB 536. E-mail:
Tel: +234-706-957-3618, +234-905-826-3636, +234-811-295-7770,